DeFi Land is a multi-chain agriculture-simulation game created to gamify Decentralized Finance. Our game will have all the features that traditional platforms have but it will be gathered all in one place. Players will be able to start playing the game for free, grind their way up to the play-2-earn tier, compete with others, craft, trade and more.
Aggregating different
Manage your DeFi assets
in one place
Manage your DeFi assets
in one place
Redesigned way of intracting with
Decentralized Finance through
Redesigned way of intracting with
Decentralized Finance through
Unique NFTs
User owned in game assets with
special functionalities
User owned in game assets with
special functionalities
Play to earn
Achievements, tasks, unions,
crafting, fishing, collectionis and
many more to earn income
Achievements, tasks, unions,
crafting, fishing, collectionis and
many more to earn income
Q2 2021
- Major concepts created
- Demo game built
- Winning Solana Hackathon
- Fundraising round
Q3 2021
- Integration with Serum, Raydium
- Testnet/Devnet Launch
- Public sale phase start
- Mainnet Beta Launch
Q4 2021
- Integration with Orca, Saber, SolFarm
- Public sale phase end
- Public launch of the game
- Quests and achievements
- NFT Integrations
- Assistant - farming/portfolio guide
Q1 2022
- DeFi Land NFT Sale
- DFL Single sided staking
- Land Customization
- Team Challenges
- Swap Aggregator Integration
Q2 2022
- Play and Earn Beta
- Levelling and upgrades
- NFT Marketplace
- Play and Earn Launch
- 3D Redesigning
- Fiat on/off Ramps
- GOLDY Token Launch
Q3 2022
- Game Difficulty Modes
- LP Staking
- DeFi Land Private Merch
- Raffles Launch
- Mobile Game Announcement
Q4 2022
- DeFi Land Lore
- NFT Firging
- New NFT mini-game
- xNFT Launch
- Mobile Game Pre-Alpha Test
- Saga Mobile Phone Partnerschip
- Android Alpha Game Launch
- DeFi Land Multi-chain Worlds Introdiction
- PvP testing and Launch
- Governance
- NFT Crafting
- Educational Islands